31 March 2010

Breaking the silence...

I know I've been silent on this blog for such a long time with the exception being Emery's birth in February. I have been totally preoccupied by a few things not the least of which a possible career change by Mike. He was approached in January, the very day we set out for our Disney World trip, with a job offer that was intriguing. It was out of the blue, totally unexpected and we were alternately scared and honored by the prospect.

And of course it all had to be "hush hush". And you know me. Motor Mouth. She Who Does Not Have a Volume Button. Mrs. Overkill on Info. So I've stayed under the radar, kept "radio silence" and attempted to look nonchalant. We went back and forth on it, played "Devil's Advocate" with each other about the pros and cons. And we prayed. Oh, how we prayed. I don't believe that God throws down bolts out of the blue and in a booming voice indicates directly what He wants you to do. But when you are praying, and praying specifically, your eyes are opened to many details, many scenarios, many implications. More clarity.

We finally came to a conclusion just week before last. He would accept the new position with the new company. Today was "technically" his last day at his former employment. Tomorrow morning he has a meeting to go through handover notes with his (now former) boss. And in the afternoon he reports for what I will call "Mike's Excellent Adventure" - aka his new job. (I was even tempted to get him a shiny new lunchbox, a fresh notebook, pencils and box of Crayolas.) In between we will meet for lunch and try to absorb finally all that has occurred the past three months.

For me, this is the first time we have had a major job change that did NOT involve packing up a household, looking for new digs in a different city (let alone a new COUNTRY), arranging pet care and transport. No change of doctors. No new dentists to find. No forwarding of mail nor endless "Change of Address" cards to send out. The new office is even relatively close to his former corporate address. So I've had more time to think about this and the implications for our family - the new job will entail more international travel for the first few years, we are good friends with "the Boss" and his wife so will this impact that friendship - stuff like that. But now that it is happening, we are beginning to feel a calm. Whether it's because it's just "done" or because we made the correct decision I don't know. But we are moving forward and that's a lot better that wondering "what if?"

So I hope to be back on the nets again with much more regularity (no digestive jokes please), more reporting of the antics of the most adorable grands in the world, incisive observations of life in general and my life specifically, snappy repartee and the usual quality drivel you have come to expect from this reliable source.

After lunch I will kiss Mike goodbye and send him off to his first day and admonish him to play nicely with the other executives.

Perhaps I should have cookies and milk ready when he gets home.

Look out nets, I'm BAAAACK!

1 comment:

Liz Harrell said...

How wonderful! I'm glad you feel calm and peace about this new direction in life. And I'm even more glad you didnt have the upheaval of moving. Congrats to you both!