15 November 2007


Okay, I'm an HGTV addict. And my electricity went out the other day right before the "reveal" on an Edwardian bedroom redo on Divine Design. I didn't realize my show had been compromised till I watched it on TiVo yesterday and discovered, 20 minutes into the show, no more signal! AAARGH!!

So I went to www.hgtv.com to see if I could find the program details on it (which I did - lovely room, I might add) and also found this "Rate My Space" thing. You upload photos of your house - otherwise known as "space" I'm finding. "I use this space for" or "utilizing the maximum potential of my space"...when I was growing up SPACE meant one thing - OUTER space! But space now has a totally different take on it. But I digress.

You then write descriptions about aspects of said "space" and then folks who are likewise addicted come and rate your space and leave comments! Within 1 hour of posting my kitchen, over 200 people had rated my space (I'm glad to report I'm a solid 4 out of 5 stars). Later on that night I posted the powder room (the only two rooms I had photos for) and same thing happened.

So now I'm kind of in a double bind - I love the attention, love the comments, love the instant gratification of it all. But on the other hand, why am I spending so much time on this and why are OTHER people spending so much time on it?? It's addictive so tread lightly (or logon when you either (a) are sick and (b) have the kids at grandmas for more than a few hours). But having said all that, go rate my space!


emily said...

1) You have had over 1300 VIEWs of your bathroom and over 1700 of your kitchen. NEAT!
2) "I will not load pictures, I will not load pictures, I will not load pictures" Repeat
3) Very Very cool.
4) Can you come decorate my house???

rebekca said...

I said it before, and I'll say it again. I. Love. Your. Kitchen.

You are a hit on that site!

Megan said...

I couldn't have come up with anything more perfect for you! What a response you have gotten. That is wonderful. Just imagine if those people could see it in person how much more they would be impressed! (pictures never do things their full justice). I feel lucky that I get to enjoy it all when we visit.

You have definately made warm, comfortable homes for us to visit.