10 April 2008

Update on Jordan and Jaxon...

I talked to Grandma Felicia this morning and Jordan and Jaxon are doing well. They have a long road ahead of them being 26-weekers, but also being African-American males, they are at the "top of the class" for preemie hardiness. :) (Jen had told me about those "wimpy white boys"...) Crichelle is doing well and all attention is on the boys and how they are doing. So far, so good! Please continue your prayers! :)


Crichelle said...

Jyusef and I can't begin to thank you and Mike enough for your generosity. I tried to call you serveral times but each time I broke down and cried. We are so blessed to people like you and Mike who love us so much. It's going to help us tremedously to be this close to the boys. We are deeply humbled. Thank you again for EVERYTHING that you do!

Cheri (aka "The Mom Lady") said...

You are more than welcome! You HAVE to be near the boys! I was fortunate enough to have been able to stay with Chris in England back in his 'preemie days' - can't tell you how much that helped me (and him!) as we navigated those uncharted waters.

And as Yoda says, "There is no TRY, there is only DO"....