31 August 2007

Dashing gentlemen

Jennifer and I braved the dreaded 'photo experience' which means we took the boys to a local photographer, someone who claims to be an expert in children's photography (the chain will remain unnamed...but you all know who it is) but then proceeds to take 20 minutes to check you in, then make you wait 40 minutes past your appointment time (with CHILDREN???) and then take you back with youngsters who a) didn't want to come in the first place, b) are fractious by this time, c) are not happy about having to "smile naturally" for a photo they didn't want in the first place, d) don't believe the bribes the photographer offers since they are never delivered once the promised "happy look" is produced...

After all this turmoil, we wait, and we wait, and we wait...to see 95% of the photos taken look like either mug shots or standard head poses from any public school (which is okay except how many 3 month old babies do you see in Kindergarten? Just a little weird!).

The result of this - two cute photos which I'll share with you - I think these were the only good photos out of the entire 2 hour ordeal and Jennifer and I once again wondered, "WHY did we do this??" Because hope springs eternal...and they are so very cute...


Jenny said...

Thanks for going with me into the trenches...

Megan said...

I am glad we missed out on that family experience! lol You are brave souls. At least you did get a few good pictures. Ben looks so grown up in the one of him by himself!

emily said...

I have the same shot of Aubrey kissing Molly - I cherish it. It is never fun to do those sessions... I usually need to bring a change of shirt due to the level of exertion :)

I just realized that you probably have no idea who Aubrey and Molly are - but Aubrey is a Beam Buddy of Ben's and we live in Maryland.

I am enjoying your blog :)

rebekca said...

OH the fun of parenthood...

I can't imagine it a second time around. You are soooo blessed. Five times over.