14 June 2008

What in the WORLD??

I was at Babies'R'us yesterday I found this:

Upspring Baby Milkscreen Home Test

What is it you ask? It's a strip that you use to find out if there is alcohol in breast milk before you feed your baby! Evidently, you can go booze it up but being the "responsible" parent that you are and all, make sure you don't intoxicate your baby by passing on alcohol in the breast milk! Which of course makes me wonder about who is taking care of the baby while you're getting all this alcohol out of your system? I admit I am flabbergasted...I would say speechless but my current rant runs counter to that idea.

And I thought the greeting cards by Hallmark about divorce took the cake....


Emily said...

Yes, but do they have one to measure all the pot that I smoke?

Cheri (aka "The Mom Lady") said...

Ah, NOW I know why Kendall is always smiling in her photos! :)

Just kidding...