29 August 2008

Truth or Dare...or both...

Today is my one year "blogoversary" (haven't seen THAT Hallmark card...yet!) I'm not exactly sure what the protocol is for celebrating that or if there even IS one. But I will mark it with some fantastic news of my own.

No, I'm not pregnant.

As if.

Truth is, I've always been a "larger than life" kinda girl in a LOT of ways - personality, volume of voice, enthusiasm...and, oh yeah, physique. Well, due to a little adverse reaction to a medication last January, I had the not-so-pleasant experience of a-fib. Nothing like waking up at 2am and realizing that your heart is waltzing when it should be doing the 2-step.

Surreal to say the least.

So moi now has to remember to list under "drug allergies" something to the effect that just about any drug that ends in "ol" is not good for me. Albuterol. Salbuterol. It makes my heart skip a beat, every other time. And Mike's not even in the equation.

Odd, I can take Tylenol.

Needless to say, it was a bit of a wake-up call for me. I figured I'd been pushing my luck for years and it was time to get serious about not "pushing the envelope" on my health anymore. So I devised my own plan of "Cheri's Rehabilitation For Longevity of Life and Pursuit of Happiness with Husband, Children and Lovely Grandchildren" diet.

It's not ever gonna make the bestsellers. The name alone is enough to make most people pass it up.

But, being the "emotional eater" I am, I had to devise a way to be able to eat that wouldn't put me in an early grave nor in two seats on an airplane, whichever came first.

And I did.

And it worked.

So, folks, I am happy to announce my first major milestone in Operation "Find Your Feet". I have lost, since February....drum roll please...

Fifty two pounds.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

I knew you'd be pleased.

There is less of me to love. But hopefully for longer.

And I still have a LONG way to go...but it's a start. And no, there are no photos because everyone knows the camera adds 10 or 20 pounds...which is counter productive at this point...

So, yeah me!


emily said...

HOLY SMOKES! Since Feb? That is remarkable and wonderful!

CONGRATULATIONS... and now spill the secrets!

Teena in Toronto said...

Congrats on the weight loss! I've been struggling this summer ... I've been waaaaaaaaaaaaay too social!

Happy blogoversary!

Emily said...

Cheri, that is wonderful. It is truly an accomplishment that you should be proud of.

I was hoping you would announce that Jen, Tim and Chris were going to get another sibling, but whatever.

Anonymous said...

Yay Mom! We are so proud of you :-)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That's an amazing accomplishment! I'm starting down that path myself. I'll remember your example when I'm tempted.

Thanks for your comment on my blog. It's so reassuring to hear that other preemies have done well. I'm definitely feeling better after seeing how she's done this first week at pre-school.

Thanks for stopping by. Feel free to drop in anytime!


PS. We're really neighbors too! I'm on the west side of Houston. Who knows, we may have crossed paths at some point!

bec said...

Congratulations Cheri! -for the blogoversary and for the weight loss.

cotedetexas said...

Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or as I say Mazel tov!!!! I am so jealous!!!!!! how??????? hahah!!! ok - when do we get a reveal?