06 September 2008

A taste of things to come...I hope!

I opened the door to let the dogs out this morning and noticed something different. I stood there for a minute trying to figure out what it was - it was so foreign but delightful.

Oh yes, it was...


I checked the thermometer and it was only 75 degrees F! It's been 85F or higher every morning when I let them out so having that coolness was absolutely delicious. Don't know if it will stick around for awhile or not but I'm soakin' it in, folks! I've left the door open so the dogs can come and go at will plus we get all the fresh air (and hear all the golfers go over the little wooden bridge behind our house on their Saturday morning quest to golf that elusive low score - hope lives on...)

Mike heads back to Kazakhstan on Monday so today will be (hopefully) filled with an extensive "to-do" list. Change out a/c filters. Figure out what is causing our baseboard to separate in one area (afraid it's moisture and if so, what is the source...I think my house just went "cha-ching!"...) Get the shirts into the laundry and pick up what was left last week. Get my car cleaned (oh yeah, I have a new car...did I mention that??) Prepare our Flexible Spending Account for medical expenses to file (which might have to go to the baseboards...sob!) Stake a recalcitrant oak tree that likes to take a bow in inclement weather, trim some branches from other trees and try to tame the wild wisteria that threatens to take over the back yard. I think wisteria is a completely under-rated topic for future horror films - the way the shoots look like tentacles creeping forward, seemingly innocuous only to grab it's victim and drag it back into the underbrush....but I digress. Lots to do today. Now let's see if I can fire up the huz to get them done! Coffee, lots of coffee...

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