24 April 2011

Hoppy Easter to All...

Knuffle Bunny is on the left while NEW Mrs. Knuffle is on the right

The Easter Bunny made his (her?) way to our house last night for the first time in a L-O-N-G time! I think the last time he graced us with his presence was quite possibly 1999. I'm glad he found us as we've only moved twice since then! But then, bunnies have a way of finding sweet children, especially cute little girls, on Easter morning. I think they share a GPS and Global Interface system with Santa Claus. I believe I've heard a rumor that the Tooth Fairy is outsourcing her Direction Acquisitions Department to this same sourcing, but it's going to be a few years before she needs to find us, I hope!

Mirai was very surprised and excited to see the basket of goodies left for her once she was dressed and ready for church this morning. We didn't have a lot of time for her to see what goodies there were but she was pretty quick, though thorough, going through the contents before we headed to the car.

After Bible class and worship service, we went to Perry's Steakhouse for our (first annual?? ;) Easter lunch. Mirai was good as gold which is quite a feat considering it is a very nice restaurant that takes approximately two hours to complete an entire dinner service. But she had Knuffle Bunny as well as Mrs. Knuffle Bunny (whom the aforementioned EASTER bunny - my what a lot of bunnies today! - had brought her) so she had lots with which to occupy herself. Those bunnies "ate" lunch and "drank" water just like we did!

She is now down for an afternoon siesta to recover from all the excitement - I plan to follow suit immediately after posting this! She has her two bunnies with her, of course. Mrs. Knuffle became an instant favorite much to my surprise given how enamored she is of Knuffle Bunny.

Happy Easter to all! May your chocolates be many, your weight gain be none, your nap uninterrupted and your family time be fun!

P.S. For those unfamiliar with Knuffle Bunny, I'll have to do a post later on extolling the virtues of this wonderful leporidae.

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